Ruth Humming Ford
Musician, Dancer, Sound Therapist and Medicine Woman.
Regular Group Work
Much of my group work over the last ten years has within it the intention to bring a sense of belonging and social connection. To help relieve the symptoms of isolation and to foster an atmosphere of ease and wonder for the very young to the eldest elders!
To keep in touch you can follow either of the social media platforms linked at the bottom of the page
or join the Sing -Dance -Pray WhatsApp group and go on the Mailing List
Medicine Songs and Sharing Circles
Creating a space for free expression. I have been bringing the medicine songs in the form of 'Song Spiral' for many years.
Whether you are a seasoned singer or have picked up the belief that your voice should be hidden - being in the collective song is healing on huge levels. I bring drums, rattles and bells to aid our journey into play.
'I arrived feeling a bit flat and burnt out, left feeling peaceful and energised' - Becky B
The Woman's Room
Sometimes we just need a place to sigh, a place to be heard and to listen without the familiar tangles of how this may affect the people we are close to and with whom we have roles, needs, expectations. This place may be longed for even more when we are navigating changes, many of them seeming way beyond our ‘control’. This place can be a release valve. Through sharing or listening to a story, a cadence somehow, or simply by sitting in the company of people who do not need anything from you.
I would very much encourage the elder women to attend. To bring their own unique presence and to trust her value in such a place. There will be no set agenda, my willingness is s simply to allow the journey to take us softly together.
Donations welcomed for the space and fire wood. It may be offerings of food to share. All manner of sharing is invited. Books, yarn, recipes, ideas, crafts. Mostly on the last Thursday of each month in the yurt at The Clophill Centre. All dates are on the booking calendar.
Song Tribe
This group is for children and their parents/carers.
We meet monthy at the moment in a fusion of sharing, play, musical discovery and song times and lunch.
Currently this is a semi private group and has a sweet intimacy that really works for the children but I am open to see what else might be possible this coming year in the way of offering this out even more.
Email if you would like to talk about this.
Sweat Lodge
I co-host regular Sweat Lodge ceremonies for women through the year in Hertfordshire in the grounds of Michael's Folly
The invitation to find our resillience and adaptability is strong in these times and this portal can help us remember the ways to support ourselves and our community with Love and strength.
These old ways have been repeated through generations all over the world. Sometimes they have been lost and sometimes renewed. They are a time to honour what has gone before, what has brought you here and what you may wish to release in the purifying waters of the womb like container. The hot stones are taken from a communally built fire and placed in the centre as offerings to your ceremony.
Everything is Sacred.
An openness and willingness to respectfully journey with your fellow beings is all that is needed.